The Simpsons was a show created by Matt Groening that started out as animated 30 second spots in 1987, but then became an animated television show that debuted on January 14, 1990. The show was a hilarious portrayal of the typical American family and their ups and downs as they try to better themselves and get along. The family consists of Homer Simpson, the father that isn't very intelligent and gives bad advice, Marge Simpson, the mother that cares deeply about the children, Bart Simpson, a 10 year-old reckless child that seems to just get into trouble wherever he goes, Lisa Simpson, an intelligent 8 year-old, and Maggie Simpson, the calm baby. Each episode of the show follows them around in everyday situations and showcases how those situations can go wrong. Matt Groening also created another animated series entitled Futurama, which was aired on March 28, 1999, and was a show about a young man named Philip J. Fry who gets frozen in time, and is awakened again in the 31st century. He meets Lela, a one-eyed human/alien, and Bender, a robot, and Professor Farnsworth, Fry's distant nephew. Along with these and other characters, the show follows Fry and his companion's endeavors with other characters in this futuristic society.
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